“Growing together in Christ”

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Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings


Sign the petition!

The Coalition for Marriage is an umbrella group of individuals and organisations in the UK that support traditional marriage and oppose any plans to redefine it.

The Coalition is backed by politicians, lawyers, academics and religious leaders. It reaches out to people of all faiths and none, who believe that marriage is  the most successful partnership in history and should not be redefined.

The Coalition draws upon a substantial body of evidence showing that marriage – as it has been understood for thousands of years – is beneficial to society, and that changing its definition would undermine that benefit.

The Coalition’s petition demonstrates that there is broad public opposition to redefining marriage. The Coalition is committed to reasoned and courteous debate on this issue and will highlight any intimidation or intolerance shown to supporters of traditional marriage.

SIGN THE PETITION - go online to - c4m.org.uk – or sign in at the church.

TOYBOX  -  Let the street children live!

During 2011 Christ Church Blacklands gave financial aid to various charities as part of our Stewardship giving. In last month’s magazine we highlighted the work of the St Barnabas Fund – a Christian organisation working in many parts of the world where Christians are being persecuted. Another charity we supported was ‘Toybox’.

WHO IS TOYBOX? Toybox is a Christian charity committed to helping street living and street working children and those at risk of becoming so, principally in Latin America. Their vision is of a world where there are no street children, where families are restored, those who are disadvantaged have hope, and all children have a voice.

MARIBEL’S STORY: 17 year old Maribel lives in Peru. From an early age, she had to work to earn enough money to pay for school materials and had to spend long hours as a street vendor at weekends. Her stepmother often beat her. Maribel felt alone and neglected, and she left home to live with her boyfriend.

“I was tired of the mistreatment I suffered at home, that’s why I decided to live with him. But he didn’t go to work. I was the only one. When I got pregnant, I thought that he would help me, but he didn’t take any interest in the baby. He spent the money I earned to pay for prenatal care; he didn’t care and took all the money to go drinking and gambling with his friends.”

Without anyone to turn to and with no money, Maribel left to search for help in the city of Lima. “I felt alone and I wanted something better for my baby.” Knowing no-one and having no place to go, Maribel would have been facing a bleak future even to the point of having to give birth on the street. Thankfully, her situation was discovered by one of the Toybox directors who offered her a place in a home for teenage mothers and their babies. Thanks to the support of the home, Maribel has found all the love and help that she needed, far away from the danger of life on the streets. “I  truly feel happy” says Maribel, “and thankful for the support I have received for me and my baby. I was able to experience the great love that the Lord has for us.”

Meribel’s story is just one among many. Toybox supported projects are working hard to give many hundreds of children hope, a future and the educational support and opportunities they need.

St.Andrew's Parish

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